Okay, so here it is. I need to lose weight. I want to lose weight. I’m currently 163 lbs. Yeah, ladies, I just told the world how much I weigh. Am I embarrassed? Yes, but not because of the number but because I know that I shouldn’t have gotten myself to this state. 3 years ago, I was 130 lbs. I worked out and I tried hard to eat healthfully. How’d I get like this? How’d I start such terrible eating habits? The answers are both the same: selfishness. I overeat all the time, not because I’m hungry but because I’m selfish. I tell myself, “It’s free food!!” or “What the heck? It doesn’t matter, it tastes good.” 

I’d like to say that I’ve been feeling so convicted of my eating habits. But, I gotta be real with you. I’m insecure. I don’t feel beautiful on the outside. So here’s what I’m challenging myself to do. Starting tomorrow, May 24th, I am going embark on a journey of health: heart and body health.  I’m going to study and learn what my body means to the Lord and how I need to honor Him with it. I’m going to strive to lose 30 lbs by December 25, 2014. 

I ask that you all pray for me. Pray that I would seek Christ and make Him the center of my mindset with weight loss. Pray that I would be diligent and stay motivated. I need all the support and prayers I can get. Thanks in advance. Here we go!


Weight 3 years ago: 130



Current weight: 163



30 lbs to lose…lets go!

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